Arthritis is a painful medical condition which affects millions of individuals from every corner of the planet. In some people the symptoms are mild and easily controlled, in others the condition can be life-threatening. Regardless of the severity, it is something that should be handled with care and managed where possible.

Although it can be quite painful, you still need to exercise to help with your arthritis. Your joints will get fatigued if not exercised, and this can make your condition worse. You can also make sure to maintain as much range in your movements as possible by working on your flexibility every day.

It is important that you quit smoking if you suffer from arthritis. It is a proven medical fact that smoking can make your arthritis symptoms worse. Also, if you smoke and you are taking medications to control your arthritis symptoms, smoking can actually decrease the positive effects of these medications.

Prevention of arthritis when you are younger is something you will be thankful for later in life. Consider improving your PC environment and the habits you employ in it. Your hands need to be level with the keyboard at all times, and there should be an elevated pad underneath your mouse. By doing this, your hands won’t be strained, and you won’t run the risk of developing problems later on in life.

Cigarettes can increase the damage done by arthritis. It may be hard to quit smoking, but it isn’t as hard as living with the especially intense arthritis pain you’ll experience if you don’t quit.

Take a warm morning shower. Many people who suffer from arthritis have the stiffest joints when they wake up. Starting your day off with a warm shower will loosen your joints enough that you should be able to stretch them, which will help to prevent any stiffness you may experience later in the day.

Join a group for parents with rheumatoid arthritis to have support from others who have been there and done that. Being able to get advice from someone who has first hand knowledge of the challenges can be a great help in dealing with the issues that you will face. Check online for groups if there aren’t any real life groups in your area.

Take the time to have your family educated about your rheumatoid arthritis and the different challenges that will occur while you live with this condition. There are classes available through The Arthritis Foundation, and there are many books available that can be used to teach your family about the condition.

Check with your doctor before starting a vitamin regimen. There are multiple conflicting studies associated with different vitamins, so you want to make sure you are taking the ones that will be most beneficial to you. Your doctor will be able to tell you which vitamins are best for your body, as well as how often you should take them.

When used with a combination of medicines and other treatments, hypnosis has been proven to help with arthritis. Although doctors are not sure why, patient studies have shown that hypnosis can ease arthritis pain in up to 75% of patients. It is recommended that patients have three rounds of hypnotherapy for the most effective results.

If you suffer from arthritis in your fingers or your hands, you may want to consider rubbing mineral oil on your hands. The natural ingredients of mineral oil have been proven to ease the pain of arthritis in the hands and fingers. To make this method effective, be sure to put the mineral oil on your hands and then put rubber gloves on them.

Get extra rest before doing something stressful. No matter what anyone tells you, a stressful event in your life can drain you even more quickly, if you have arthritis. Prepare for these events by sleeping in, taking naps, and perhaps even eating a little extra. Having that boost of energy when you need it, will come in very handy.

Learn good posture. The better your stance, the less stress you put on your joints. Ask your doctor for tips on gaining the best posture you can, and work on it daily as a routine. Once you develop good posture, you will feel less pain in your back and knees, as well as your feet and neck.

Try keeping a journal of your thoughts and emotions. This record might give you some insight on what kinds of behaviors or actions are triggering arthritis flare-ups. Record everything, especially the location, what you have eaten, and how much pain you’re in to make better connections.

When you have arthritis, your diet is something you should worry about. Research indicates that in a period of only three months, people can enjoy increased vivacity and an improvement in physical functions if they eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and beans. Eating a diet loaded with fruit and vegetables is very healthy for the body.

When you are thinking about looking into herbal treatments to help you treat your arthritis symptoms, keep in mind that herbal remedies are not regulated by the FDA. You should always seek the advice of your physician and/or a skilled and experienced herbalist when considering the use of herbal remedies.

Think about consulting an occupational therapist. They can teach you different coping mechanisms and show you how subtle changes in lifestyle can really improve your arthritic symptoms. He or she can then make recommendations to help you avoid or eliminate these issues so that your quality of life improves.

Watch what you eat – cut down on red meat too. People who follow a Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer from arthritis. A Mediterranean diet includes fish, cereals, fruits and oils. Make sure you include these important elements in your daily diet and you should see a difference. This will not cure arthritis but should help reduce the pain.

Arthritis does not always have to inhibit your life. Aching joints and other irritating symptoms shouldn’t keep you from enjoying your favorite activities and hobbies. By following these tips, you will be able to manage your pain and handle your difficulties. You will be able to face challenges without fear of pain.