Are you tired of your allergies making you feel just awful? Are you also tired of your allergies keeping you from doing things you enjoy? Well, you should know that there are things that you can do that can make a difference. Take the time to read the following article to get some good pointers.

Use hypo-allergenic cases for your pillows to keep dust mites from aggravating your allergies while you sleep. These cases seal the mites out of your pillow, yet remove easily for washing. Dust mites are a major cause of indoor allergies, so this simple step can save you a lot of suffering.

You do not have to avoid the great outdoors during allergy season. Just make sure you follow your prescribed treatment, and take whatever precautions are necessary to make your outing enjoyable. When you do this, you will be gaining the great effects of fresh air while keeping your allergies at bay.

While cleaning your home, avoid using feather dusters, which are notorious for stirring up all kinds of dust and allergens. Instead, gently wipe household surfaces with disposable dirt-grabbing cleaner or microfiber cloths. This ensures that you do not release clouds of dust, pet dander and other allergens into the air.

Skin tests are reliable for identifying allergens, but these results cannot predict how severe a reaction you may have to these substances. A skin test may only show you have an allergy to a specific spore. Although you may only suffer with very mild symptoms when near this allergen, you also may not suffer at all.

Most coughs are caused by some form of allergic reaction, yet many people automatically attempt to treat the problem with cough suppressants. However, an allergic cough is your respiratory system’s way of breaking up, and clearing away mucus. Stifling that cough makes it difficult for your body to productively fight allergic symptoms.

Because mold grows in warm, damp environments, it is very common in organic gardening materials. Compost heaps are a significant source of mold spores and other allergens, which is very frustrating for allergy sufferers who prefer eco-friendly gardening techniques. While composting, always wear a face mask. This allows you to do your dirty work without having an allergy attack.

If you are on either over-the-counter or prescription medication for your allergies, stay in contact with your primary care doctor and allergy specialist. Doctors can advise you on which medications are best for the specific symptoms you have.

Reduce the number of carpets and rugs kept in your house. These surfaces are often filled with pollen, dust and pet dander. If you prefer to decorate with rugs, be certain that they can be washed, and do so regularly to rid them of allergens.

Sleep on synthetic pillows rather than ones stuffed with natural stuffings, such as feathers. Dust mites will go to these pillows last over ones made of natural materials. Pillows should be washed to remove dust mites and allergens.

It may be tempting to move elsewhere to try to avoid the allergens that are causing your allergies. When this thought crosses your mind, remember that the most common allergy causing plants (grass and ragweed) are found everywhere. So a move to a different climate may not help your situation.

When it comes to getting help from doctors, many people are uncomfortable with the idea of seeking a second opinion or questioning a diagnosis. However, it is true that many doctors spend only a limited time with patients, and may not ask enough questions. Volunteering this information during your appointment may make it easier to find help for your problem. Getting a referral to an allergist, or other specialist.

If you find yourself battling with dull, chronic headaches, allergies may be to blame for your discomfort. Start looking for possible sources of allergens in your own home before looking for a more obvious cause. Common environmental controls include removing feather pillows and down comforters and replacing pillowcases with hypoallergenic covers. It also helps to wash your bedding weekly.

You can reduce your exposure to allergens by, being paying close attention to the weather. You can do your outside chores, and activities on days that have lower pollen counts such as overcast, rainy or humid days. Pollen is released by plants at dawn, and the count is higher on dry, warm mornings. The count can peak at midday, and stay high on a warm, and breezy day well into the evening.

If you have a dog or cat that goes outside, make sure to wash him or her as often as possible. Outdoor animals tend to bring in all kinds of things from outside, and pollen is just one of the things they carry. Make sure to clean your pet; if possible, have someone else clean your pet to avoid an allergy attack.

If your child suffers from allergies, do not allow them to sleep with a non-washable stuffed animal. Of course, they provide your child with a sense of comfort, but they also tend to quickly develop dust mites. Instead, allow your child to sleep with a stuffed animal that is able to be washed.

As you can see, there are many things that you can do that could help you combat your allergies. So do not wait any longer. Get up and put the great advice you just read about to use. Stop being afraid of your allergies and start living a normal life again.