If you have asthma, you probably have medications from your doctor to treat and prevent attacks but there are some simple things you can do on your own to reduce the likelihood of an attack. Here are some helpful recommendations to help you make your home environment work with you, instead of against you, in your quest to cut down on asthma attacks.

Avoid living with smokers. Ask your partner to quit if you have asthma. If you absolutely have to live with smokers, try to get them to smoke outside the house. In the worst case scenario, buy some smoke-eating candles and air out your house as much as possible so that no harmful chemicals remain in the air.

A great tip that can help you get a grip on your asthma is to bring your own pillow when you travel anywhere. You never know how much dust there’s going to be when you’re staying at different places. Bringing your own clean pillow will reduce the risk of breathing in dust.

Make sure you have your home inspected for allergens on a regular basis. Some of the most common culprits in asthma attacks are related to the air we breathe. Items like dust, mold and spores tend to be the most frequent sources of these attacks. Knowing that you have a problem with these items will let you be able to do something about it.

If your child is exhibiting any symptoms of asthma, be sure that you take them to the doctor right away. Beginning treatment at a young age can help your child live a longer, healthier life. Be sure that your child’s doctor checks for asthma during yearly check-ups as well.

Regular flu shots are important if you or one of your children suffer from asthma. Stave off as many of these infections as possible by getting vaccinated every year.

To avoid or manage asthma, consider taking up yoga. But make sure to practice at a studio that doesn’t just focus on the asana exercises, but also teaches what they call pranayama, which is controlled breathing. When you can control your breath for a while, you will find that deep, clear breathing becomes habitual for the body and seriously prevents asthma attacks.

Focus on your breathing techniques to help you better manage your asthma. You may find yourself breathing rapidly but shallowly because it seems like you cannot get enough air into your lungs. Focus on taking deep breaths from your diaphragm to maximize the amount of oxygen you are receiving and to lessen the sudden inflammation of an asthma attack.

If you or a family member suffers from severe asthma, get a recommendation from your doctor on which hospital to visit before you go on vacation. You don’t want to be hunting for a qualified hospital in the midst of an attack. Knowing in advance what doctors are good and how to get to them can cut down on the stress of the situation.

Find some relaxation techniques that work for you to help you when you notice an oncoming asthma attack. Options such as deep breathing, imagery, muscle relaxation and meditation can help you calm your breathing and reduce stress levels, helping you get control of worsening symptoms, especially those caused by stress or anxiety.

Any allergy can have a deleterious synergy with an asthma condition, and food allergies are no different. If you have asthma problems, a clinical food allergy test can help you pinpoint problem foods. A mild food allergy could exacerbate your asthma without your noticing. A full medical test can help you identify foods you need to avoid to keep your asthma in check.

It is important to stay indoors during certain seasons when you have asthma. Some times of the year when the air is especially humid, spending too much time outdoors can make it difficult for you to breathe. Other times, the pollen count gets very high and can trigger an asthma attack.

The most important thing to remember when you are having an asthma attack is to not panic. Panicking causes your heart rate to rise, your blood pressure to increase and your breathing to become labored. This last one is the thing that you DON’T want to have happen. You need to keep your breathing as controlled as possible.

It is important to avoid locations that have very cold air. Cold air is very hard to take in, and can leave you gasping at times. Thus, if you have asthma, make sure that this is taken into consideration when you are planning vacations or trips with friends and family.

Use a spacer in your inhaler. A spacer ensures that you get more out out your medicine. Your medicine will go to your lungs instead of sitting in your mouth and at the back of your throat where it can cause a yeast infection called thrush.

If you or someone in your family suffers from asthma, you must not permit smoking in your house, your vehicle and your immediate environment. You will want to be certain that the people you know understand that you have a policy against any smoking in your home. Heavy smokers can cause a person with asthma to have a full blown asthma attack, because they still carry the smell of smoke in their clothes.

Be sure to keep your household humidity low to avoid asthma attacks. You should keep it in the 30%-50% range. Be sure that the exhaust on your clothes dryer vents to the outside of your home, and install good, strong exhaust fans in your bathrooms to vent out moisture. Use dehumidifiers in humid areas like basements.

With these tips, you can make your environment cleaner and safer, which can help prevent asthma attacks. Prevention is much easier than treatment, so implement these tips and reduce your exposure to common asthma triggers. These tips, used in conjunction with your doctor’s advice and medications, can reduce the length and severity of asthma attacks.