Is a feeling of stress multiplying in your daily life? Are you having difficulty getting things done because of it? Is your stress level so high that it is starting to have a harmful effect on your health? If you have answered yes to these questions, continue reading this article for simple ways on how to deal with your stress.
Understand your stress. It is important to pinpoint the areas in your life which most significantly impact your stress levels. You might be having a reaction to a person, object or event. After you have discovered the more precise causes of your stress, you can then get to work on them.
Think about the ways you deal with everyday stress. Try to come up with ways in which you could manage it better. Write down notes about how you dealt with stress each day. Keep doing this for a few weeks. Carefully examining how you responded to each stressful situation allows you to determine if your response was healthy and productive. If the way you handled stress only made things worse, you can seek new ways to manage stress in your life.
Choosing the music you listen to at work can be a great mood booster. Try and play music that is lower in key, as this has been shown to better soothe you. If you want louder music, choose music that has happy lyrics and a good beat.
Enjoying a cup of hot tea is one more way to reduce stress. Some teas, such as kava kava, chamomile, and passionflower, are quite effective at relieving stress. Leaving it to steep in hot water for ten minutes will produce a strong tea. Have a cup of tea at least once a day, when you get up in the morning or before you go to bed, to help ease any stress.
Crafts and art can be used as stress relievers. Art is a great way to do something creative and distract yourself from parts of your routine that are causing you a lot of stress.
Being honest can cut down on your stress and anxiety levels. Research shows that even minor dishonesty can bring on enormous feelings of guilt and cause anxiety over being found out.
Practice some deep breathing exercises to reduce stress. When you are experiencing stress you can have shallow and rapid breathing; educate yourself on how to properly breath and relieve the stress. This is guaranteed to work, so make sure that the minute you find yourself worked up and stressed out, that this reliever is put into action.

Long, hot, luxurious baths are great stress relievers. It’s incredibly hard for your mind and body to stay tense and stressed when lying in a tub of hot, sudsy and fragrant bath water. If you’re short on time, you can use mental tricks to get some of the same effects. In the bathroom, wash your hands and face with hot water while imagining yourself taking a hot bath.
Try to cut back on caffeine consumption during the day. Caffeine can raise stress hormones, causing you to feel excess stress as you drink more coffee and tea. Drinking water and green tea will reduce your stress levels.
A great way to decrease stress in your daily life is to be proactive and plan to tackle tasks in advance. For example, don’t drive around town with your car’s gas light on; fuel up as soon as your fuel indicator shows the tank is running low.
Try smiling more to combat stress. When you smile, your emotional center or limbic system is stimulated. Smiling tilts that system and helps it become calmer, which lowers your stress.
Do something that makes you happy every day. This helps you get a handle on any stress that happens to come your way. Commit time every day to doing something you truly enjoy.
Looking at a nice photo or picture can help a person cut back on stress. Any image that is visually soothing, such as a forest, mountains, or a waterfall, can help your mind to become calm and tranquil. If you don’t have a photograph handy, simply close your eyes, relax, and visualize a peaceful image. By imagining yourself in those serene settings, you help your body to feel calm and relaxed.
A simple, rubber ball is a great object to squeeze due to the stress relieved via creating tension. The act of tensing your muscles, then releasing them, is a physical way to help your body release built-up stress. Your muscles both work and unwind. The convenient size of a stress ball means you can keep it with you at all times, perfect for those unexpected moments of stress that have a tendency to pop up.
It is important to find what strategies help you deal with stress. Choose positive ways to take a more calm attitude, such as affirming statements that can help you when you begin to feel too stressed. By staying positive you will have the outlook you need to deal with a potentially stressful situation.
Now that you’ve read how to manage your stress, the only thing left is to do it! Don’t let yourself get too stressed out; it’s bad for your life and your health. Apply these easy tips whenever you feel like you need a break from stress and soon, you’ll be feeling better.