Arthritis is normally associated with the elderly, but this joint pain and stiffness can affect people of any age. If you suffer from achy, swollen joints and find yourself less mobile or active because of it, you may have arthritis. Read this article for tips on how to live with arthritis.
Be sure to get enough exercise and that you are doing the right kinds of exercise. People with arthritis should choose exercises that support and strengthen the joints, such as swimming, instead of exercises that damage them, such as running. Failing to exercise can also increase joint stiffness and pain.
Thinking positive thoughts can help you to cope with arthritis pain. It might sound silly, but a strong mind/body connection does exist. If your mind thinks positive, it is difficult for your body to feel negative. Fill your life with happiness and you might just find that your pain quickly diminishes.
For arthritis sufferers, it is important to lose weight if you are overweight or obese. Excess weight just puts more strain and pressure on your arthritic joints, which can make your arthritis even worse. It is a proven fact that every pound you lose is four less pounds of pressure on your knees.
Non-weight bearing activities like water aerobics are best for arthritis sufferers. Individuals with arthritis can find aquatic activities soothing and relaxing. Many find it easier to stretch their muscles and joints in this type of environment. Most gyms offer swimming classes for those who wish to learn.
When you have osteoarthritis, exercising your joints is an essential part of managing your condition. Experts have found that exercise helps relieve stiffness and keeps your joints more flexible. Stretching exercises along with light weight training can also improve your endurance and help you sleep more soundly, leading to less pain and a better quality of life.
If you suffer from arthritis, try not to wear clothing that is too tight against your skin. Tight clothing is just going to put more pressure on your joints, which in turn, will increase your pain. Instead, try to wear clothes that have enough room in them so that you are comfortable.
Lose weight to help reduce your arthritis symptoms. Losing even a few pounds has been shown to take pressure off of weight bearing joints and reduce the pain that you suffer with arthritis. It can also help reduce your risk of developing osteoarthritis of the knee and can slow the rate in which your arthritis progresses.
Establish a stretching routine. Arthritis sufferers often lose flexibility over time, leading to sore joints and muscles. Create a daily routine that stretches all your muscles so you can be nice and loose to at least try to delay some of the painful symptoms of arthritis. Start down in your feet, then progressively move up across your body and then finally to your head.
Focus on strength training. People who suffer from arthritis have been shown to increase their flexibility and overall health from performing strength exercises as little as twice a week. Stick with moderate or lighter exercises to get the maximum benefits without causing any undue stress on your joints, which may cause inflammation.
Don’t keep your arthritis a secret! Make sure you let them know about how your arthritis is affecting you. Sometimes arthritis can have devastating effects on both your life and mood, which may have friends and family quite concerned. Letting them in on what is happening to you can allow them to understand and give you the support you need.
Get involved with something bigger than yourself. Having outside goals, such as helping a charity, can remind you that you are not the only one in your position. Doing this will help to distract you from pain and also stop you from feeling sorry for yourself. Many charities will allow you to help without having to leave your home, so anyone can do it.
Take your medication like you are supposed to. Many arthritis sufferers will only take their medication if they are in pain, and forget it later. This is detrimental to your body, because you are actually trying to prevent these attacks from happening. Set a daily reminder, and take your medication on a strict schedule.
Regarding side effects, if your medication is one that may cause fatigue or other similar issues, you may want to discuss finding a different medication with your doctor. Fatigue is already a huge issue for people who suffer from arthritis, and you may not want a medication that is going to further aggravate that.
Eating a good diet can help to relieve some of the symptoms of arthritis. There are studies proving that those who eat lots of vegetables, fruits, olive oil and beans are more fit and vital after just a few months. Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet is most definitely a boon to your body.
Occupational therapy has been known to help people who suffer from arthritis. Sometimes this kind of therapy is covered by many health insurance plans. Occupational therapy will help identify problem areas in your lifestyle and work with you to find ways to eliminate them or help you work with them to lead a more pain free life.
Try including Mediterranean food in your diet. A study came out several years ago that found that arthritis sufferers who consistently ate Mediterranean fruits, vegetables, cereals and olive oil over a period of three months had better daily functioning that other patients. Since eating more fruits and vegetables is good for your health anyway, it is definitely worth a try.
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, always pay attention to what you are eating. Some foods can actually cause arthritis pain in some people. Try using an elimination diet. Remove problem foods from your diet and slowly add them back over time. Dairy and seafood are known to cause allergic reactions which trigger arthritis symptoms.
The pain and swelling of arthritis doesn’t have to impede your success or your physical movement. Many people suffer from this illness, and there are ways to successfully combat it. Remember the tips in this article if you or a loved one is suffering from the pain and stiffness of arthritis.