Asthma can range from mild to life threatening. It can be common to panic when faced with such an intimidating condition. If you are armed with sound knowledge about asthma then you will feel more confident about handling asthma related decisions. The information below can prepare you to handle asthma with confidence.

A lot of people enjoy the smell of a clean house. If you have asthma, this is actually harmful. The pleasant smell comes from chemicals that remain in the air. Make sure you open up your windows every time you clean up your house, even if this means losing the fresh smell.

You should use the AC as much as possible so that you can breathe fresh air. But make sure you clean up your AC unit regularly. If you are going to use a humidifier, clean it too. An unclean AC system could make your life absolutely miserable if you have asthma.

When you have asthma, you are more vulnerable to infections. Wash your hands as often as possible, especially before eating. If your child has asthma, teach them this habit early. By washing your hands, you can stop the spread of certain harmful bacteria that would result in a lung infection.

A good tip if you’re struggling with asthma is to make sure you talk to your doctor so you can figure out the best treatment. Sometimes your asthma might be too much for an inhaler to handle. Talking to your doctor will help you get the appropriate treatment you need.

Get the flu vaccine every year if you suffer from asthma. Respiratory or sinus issues that can come from a bout with the flu can really do a number on an asthma sufferer. Taking the preventive tack of getting the vaccine can save you some serious suffering down the road.

Medications can be taken on a regular basis to control inflammation in your airways. Inhaled corticosteroids such as cromolyn and leukotriene modifiers are some such medications. Consult with your doctor about which one is the best for you. You may need to try several of them.

For those who have severe asthma, make sure you are using a nebulizer treatment before you go to sleep. Your lungs will be more open and it will be easier for you to sleep throughout the night by using a nebulizer treatment. Try to keep your rescue inhaler near your bed.

Keep your stress level as low as humanly possible. As anxiety levels increase due to everyday problems, so do asthma symptoms. If you experience wheezing and coughing several times a day, consider stress relief techniques such as regular exercises and stretching and breathing exercises. Also, be sure you get enough sleep to deal with the stresses of everyday life.

If your child is exhibiting any symptoms of asthma, be sure that you take them to the doctor right away. Beginning treatment at a young age can help your child live a longer, healthier life. Be sure that your child’s doctor checks for asthma during yearly check-ups as well.

Pay attention to your attack triggers. If you know what is likely to trigger your attacks, such as smoke, animals, or pollen, then you can make a better effort to avoid them. Asthma triggers are different for everyone. Unfortunately, the only real way to know what will trigger an attack is to have one, and then remember what happened.

If you are traveling with an asthmatic family member, make sure they bring along their own pillow. If they are particularly sensitive, they may want to bring along their own bedding. Most hotel bedding, especially pillows, is prone to dust mites and other allergens, or they may use detergents that set off your symptoms.

Consult with more than one physician. The first place to consider visiting is your main doctor, but they might also be able to recommend a specialist. Asthma centers, pulmonologists, allergists or even nutritionists will be able to work with you, make certain that you check out all outlets offering treatment.

Smoke is one of the worst asthma aggravators. It goes without saying that asthma sufferers should not smoke, but some consideration on the part of those they live with is called for, too. A household that includes an asthma sufferer must be a smoke-free one. Smokers in the household must be willing to keep the indoor air clean out of medical necessity.

The most important thing to remember when you are having an asthma attack is to not panic. Panicking causes your heart rate to rise, your blood pressure to increase and your breathing to become labored. This last one is the thing that you DON’T want to have happen. You need to keep your breathing as controlled as possible.

If you have asthma, one of the things that you should do is avoid pet dander. Keep your dog or cat in the living room instead of the bedroom, which can reduce the chance of you becoming affected by dander. Planning for negative reactions ahead of time will help to maintain a high comfort level.

You may need to make some lifestyle changes, especially if you develop asthma as an adult. If you are overweight or out of shape, do some light exercise every day and quit smoking, if you are a smoker. These changes may be difficult, but will lead to better health in the long run, and less problems with asthma.

When it comes to asthma, many people have been known to abuse their inhalers without even realizing it. It is not a breath freshener, it is only to be used when you have a serious attack. Sometimes just simple calming breathing techniques or stopping moving are all you need to stop an attack. Don’t always resort to your inhaler as this can make your body stop reacting to it and make it useless.

Utilizing the advice and tips outlined within this article can be the first line of defense toward the advocacy of your health or the health of a loved one. Asthma is not to be taken lightly so you need to be sure to make sound and educated choices when dealing with it.