The reddened, itchy skin of eczema can be very uncomfortable, especially for babies and small children who do not understand what is going on. Even adults can suffer from eczema, though it less common as you get older. For more information on this skin condition, keep reading the following article.

Keep the temperature constant in your house. That means you will have to use your air conditioning system at different points throughout the year. If the temperature fluctuates too much, that can be a trigger for your eczema. During the winter, it may be best to get a cool mist humidifier as well, so that your skin does not dry out.

In areas which have cold weather during the winter, those who have eczema need to take special care to prevent flare-ups. When dressing for cold temperatures, it is important to dress in a way which does not promote overheating and sweating since both of these trigger the itching and scratching cycle. If one dresses in layers, the removal of extra garments can prevent overheating.

Speak with your doctor about your eczema if changing your lifestyle isn’t enough. They may be able to help you find a medication that helps ease the symptoms. These medications can be over-the-counter antihistamines or creams. More serious cases may require a prescription medication. Make sure that whatever they suggest or give you is used as directed.

There are specific eczema triggers, plenty of them, and you need to realize what they are. It might be a particular type of soap, perfume or fabric that causes you to have a flare. Stress and sweat are two other factors that should be considered as possible triggers. When you pinpoint what your triggers are, make sure that you avoid these things as much as possible.

Try to avoid stress. Too much stress can trigger eczema. Of course, eczema is itchy and unpleasant and can lead to even more stress. Break the cycle by finding ways to unwind. Find a new, relaxing hobby. Devote a few days a week to getting some exercise. Find a method of getting rid of stress that works for you.

If you have any of the many types of eczema, you should keep your fingernails cut short. Although individuals try to refrain from scratching the patches of dry, itchy skin, sometimes scratching is done as a reflex without conscious though. With shortened nails, it’s less likely that the dry, delicate skin will be punctured when you scratch it.

Eczema is a skin condition that produces red, itchy, dry and cracked skin. Using moisturizer frequently will help treat the symptoms and provide some relief. Petroleum jelly is an excellent moisturizer that contains no perfumes to irritate the skin. Keep a jar of petroleum jelly near every sink and use it throughout the day to soothe and add moisture to your skin.

Buy a good humidifier and use it when the air is dry. You might use if year round in a dry, arid climate. If you live in a humid climate, you might only need to use it in the winter when your heater is on, pumping out dry, hot air which quickly dries out skin.

When you bathe or shower, be sure to avoid extremes. Water that is too hot or too cold will irritate your skin. Hot water tends to leach all the moisture out of skin and may make your symptoms worse. Set the heat of your water at a comfortable, soothing level to avoid drying out your skin.

When you buy new sheets, always wash them first. They may seem clean and fresh but they are likely stiff with starch or other chemicals that can be irritating to your skin. So give them a wash with a gentle detergent and use an unscented softener to reduce the risk of irritation to your skin.

When taking a bath, don’t use excessively hot water. It will dry out your skin which will aggravate your eczema. Use warm water, a gentle soap and a soft rag to clean any patches of eczema that you have. If you really want to use a loofah or a scrubbie then only use it on unaffected areas and rinse, clean and dry the loofah or scrubbie afterwards.

Cut down on the carpets in your house. Just like those that suffer with allergies, people with eczema can have a lot of trouble if they have rugs or certain carpets because they hold a lot of dust which can make a flare up occur. The healthiest floors are hard ones like tile and hardwood.

Since the most bothersome symptom of eczema is dry and extremely itchy skin, most doctors recommend a lotion or cream to keep the skin moist. The skin of a person suffering from eczema can become infected if it is damaged due to scratching. Prescription creams containing hydrocortisone can be quite effective.

Don’t wear clothes with annoying seams or tags that itch. These can irritate and scratch the skin, which causes eczema to flare-up worse. Remove the tags from your clothes whenever possible. Watch out for seams that may cause irritation after a while. If your seams are in your underwear, you may want to turn things inside out.

Use a soap that is fragrance free and mild. This will reduce the irritants that touch your skin. Look for something that is advertised as being appropriate for delicate skin.

Sleeping when suffering from an eczema flareup may seem to next to impossible. You need to do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable. Put on moisturizer and be sure to always use cotton sheets on your bed. Also, be sure the room you sleep in is not too warm.

Now that you have finished reading this article, you should be much better informed about eczema. It can be a very unpleasant condition, so you need to find a way to treat it and prevent it from flaring up again. The tips that you have read here should point you in the right direction.