There’s a good chance that you have felt frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed out lately. The fact is, everybody suffers quite a bit more stress than is necessary. Fortunately, there are many techniques that can be used to help us deal with stress and cope with the stress in our lives better. In the article below, you will read about some great tips that have been put together to help you lessen the amount of stress you are feeling, so you can live a more relaxed life.
Compose an affirmation, a positive, short statement that will help to focus your coping mechanism. Saying the affirmation over and over again is an excellent tactic to quiet the voice in your mind, that is telling you negative things, and increasing your stress. Keep reminding yourself that you are strong enough to handle this and to just calm down. Choose whatever will make you feel better.
A cup of tea can be an effective way to become less stressed. Some teas, such as kava kava, chamomile, and passionflower, are quite effective at relieving stress. Steep the tea for about ten minutes to achieve the maximum strength from the herbs. The best time to drink stress-reducing teas is right when you get up or right before you go to bed.
Try reducing your stress with an exciting video game. When you play a game, you focus more on the strategy, which can help you clear your mind and your thoughts. Either play with a friend or play alone to better your mood.
Take a break and daydream to forget about your stress. Muse on some goals and dreams and let you mind drift. This mental exercise works wonders to relieving the brain of unnecessary stress, and allows it to cope.
Taking the time to prepare for things that can go wrong can decrease the amount of stress you will endure when problems arise. For example, always keep a spare house key in a safe location. Other ideas include back-up plans for babysitters and always having a first-aid kit in your vehicle. You will not be stressed over details if you are prepared.
Rather than taking on more than you can handle, simply learn to say “no.” It’s tempting to try to please everyone all the time, but too many commitments will pile on the stress.
Taking a nice, hot bath is a great way to reduce stress. Soothing your muscles in hot water is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress. If you don’t have time for a bath, at least wash your hands and face with hot water, and then imagine you are in the bath to experience a soothing effect.

Try just letting go of your stress. It may be unbelievable to some people that change can help them get rid of stress. After you recognize how damaging holding on to stress can be, it should be easier for you to let go of it. You have to realize that the person in control of your life is you. While it can be difficult, you are completely capable of letting go and changing your life for the better.
One thing overlooked when dealing with stress is to remember to smile more. Smiling uses muscles in your face that then trigger positive emotional centers in your brain, called the limbic system. Smiling, therefore, will stimulate your brain, calm you down and make you happy.
Spend a little time each day doing something enjoyable. Doing so will make it easier to deal with any stress you encounter. Identify some activity that brings you joy and set aside time for it each day.
Make plans for the future. By giving yourself something to look forward to, you can stop focusing on the stress you feel at any given moment. A movie, a trip to the theater or a meal out with friends are options to choose from.
An excellent way to handle the pressures of stress is to practice yoga. Yoga is a great way to take pressure off your body and mind. You will be able to establish a connection between your mind and body through focused self-interaction. The positions used in yoga are designed to increase flexibility. These aspects work in unison to create tranquility for your entire being.
Snuggle with your dog as a way to chase stress away. Research has shown that pet owners have lower levels of stress, and are more content in their lives. The animals will be happy to get the affection and you will benefit as well.
Stress Balls
Buy several stress balls to keep at home, at work and in the car. The act of tensing your muscles, then releasing them, is a physical way to help your body release built-up stress. This makes your muscles work and unwind. You can fight frustration anywhere and anytime, because stress balls are highly portable.
There are many changes and adaptations you can make that will lower your stress level. You should now be able to properly manage your stress.