Many people are intimidated by acupuncture because it seems ancient and they have a fear that the needles will be painful. However, if you suffer from pain that is debilitating to your life, it is high time that you face your fears of acupuncture. It has been shown to relieve pain and it is not as scary or painful as most people think. Keep reading to find out the truth about acupuncture therapy.
One of the benefits of acupuncture is increased energy levels. A lot of people report higher energy levels for days and weeks following a session. After treatment, the body usually feels relaxed, but that is followed by an increase in energy level after that.
If you are worried about the discomfort of acupuncture, you need to understand that the process actually does not hurt. Unlike the needles you’d see at a hospital that are thick and have fluid in them, acupuncture needles are small and don’t contain fluid. When they are inserted into your body, you aren’t going to feel them much at all.
Before deciding on acupuncture, read up on it. Acupuncture is something that has been used for hundreds many generations, thousands of years. It’s an Eastern health treatment style than many Westerners aren’t too familiar with. If you are considering it, do yourself a favor and get used to what will be entailed. You’ll be much happier and calmer for it.
Don’t eat too much before you go to your acupuncture session. It is important that you eat before your session to avoid dizziness and nausea, but don’t overdo it. Eating too much beforehand can cause those symptoms or worse during or after your session. Try eating a very light meal, or preferably a snack, about three hours before you get acupuncture.
If you go abroad, avoid going to see an acupuncturist. Acupuncture is very popular in most Asian countries but keep in mind that the acupuncturist do not have the same education as the doctors who treated you in the past. These doctors might not have high hygiene standards or not practice painless acupuncture.
For the best experience at your acupuncture treatment, wear comfortable clothing. This will allow the acupuncturist to access any pressure points that are important for your treatment. Also, it is a good idea to write down your symptoms and bring a list of problem areas so that you can give specific details for him to target.
Make sure you don’t see your acupuncturist on an empty stomach. You’ll want to eat a full meal about 2 hours before your session. If you go to a session hungry, you may wind up feeling dizzy or lightheaded. You want your sessions to make you feel better, not worse.
No matter what you are going to acupuncture for, do not expect to see results right away. Many acupuncture patients simply stop going for sessions because their problems are not solved right away. It takes at least a few sessions of acupuncture to receive the results you are looking for.
Make sure you get some rest prior to and after your acupuncture treatment. Your body will do better if you aren’t frazzled, and a relaxed body makes it easy for your acupuncturist to work. In order to really get the benefits, just relax.
Talk to your acupuncturist about their hours and determine how long you will be there for an appointment. This information can help you figure out what part of the day would be best for you to set something up. Ideally, you want to head in for a treatment when you are fairly relaxed, as you will get the best results that way.
Have a basic understanding of what acupuncture treatment looks like before taking part of it. Typically, you will undergo approximately twenty sessions before really seeing results. If you cannot commit to the entire treatment series, you might be wasting your time, as no benefits will be seen. Make sure that this time commitment will work for you before signing on.
The first time you have an acupuncture session, you should watch out for fatigue. Some people get a burst of energy after an appointment, but others feel physically drained. Make sure you don’t have anything important scheduled after your appointment so that you can get rest if you need it.
Acupuncture rarely is painful in any way. The needles used in acupuncture are very thin. You can barely see them with the naked eye. Because of their small size, they often do not hit nerve endings and you will feel no pain. Even when they do hit a nerve, they are so small you barely feel it.
If your acupuncture practitioner makes dietary and supplement suggestions following a treatment, try your best to abide by them. Sometimes treatments are enhanced when a person eats right and consumes certain supplements. This not only makes the treatment work better, but it can enhance recovery time too. Take this advice seriously whenever you receive it.
Do not be surprised if you find quick relief from pain. It is not uncommon for acupuncture to begin eliminating certain pains immediately. Though your pain may not drop this soon, you can expect relief in most cases within a couple of days. Just enjoy the procedure and expect good results.
It’s ok to nap a bit during your session. Falling asleep is ok. Meditating is even better, but it can be tough to not let tiredness overtake you when you are this relaxed for up to an hour. Meditating or sleeping, though, are really where you should draw the line. No reading or stressing over business or personal problems.
While visiting your acupuncturist is a huge part of the healing process, he will likely send you home with some things to do at home. These self-care treatments may include pressing on pressure points or even relaxation techniques to help reduce stress. Always do your homework to speed up recovery!
As you can see, there is no reason to be intimidated by acupuncture at all. It can be a wonderful therapy for relieving pain that is difficult to control by traditional means. Use the tips and information you’ve learned here to find an acupuncture therapist who can help you realize relief from your pain.