Stress is caused by different situations and factors in our everyday life. Be aware of what is causing your stress and of approaches you can take to alleviate it. In this article, there are effective ways to cope with things that cause stress.

Plan ahead today in whatever you can, and the feeling of a lighter burden and less stress will amaze you the next morning. Everything during a day can add to a bunch of stress, so preparing lunch or clothes tonight can put you ahead tomorrow so that you can have a little less stress tomorrow.

TIP! Rate how bad a problem that you are dealing with is on a scale from 1 to 10. Make one a simple problem and a ten the worst problem possible.

Create an affirmation. This is a rote statement you can say to activate your defense mechanisms against stress. When you tell yourself your affirmation, you can turn off that voice in your head that is negative. Any affirmation that can make you feel more able to cope with stress is worth using, whether you are telling yourself that you are capable, or commanding yourself to be calm.

A lot of activities can increase your stress even if you do not see the correlation. For instance, video games are a great way to relax but playing for hours every day will increase your stress because you might not have enough time for other tasks. An engrossing video game could tempt you to skip a healthy meal, or cut back on much-needed sleep time.

Since stress can come from so many different sources in our lives, it is important for you to identify the causes of your worst stress. If the source of your stress can be banished from your life, you should strongly consider that option. By doing this, you’ll immediately feel better.

TIP! Avoid grinding your teeth by forcing your jaw to relax. Stress has a tendency to make us tighten certain muscles, and the muscles around the jaw are most commonly affected.

If you are under a lot of stress, and it is affecting your mood, take the time to let those around you know that it isn’t their fault. Your friends and family, especially your spouse and children, can otherwise get the feeling that they’ve done something bad. Your stress needs to be something that you handle, and it is important not to shift it onto the people that you love.

Sometimes, just having a good conversation with someone you trust can be the best way to beat stress. Releasing your anxieties and revealing emotions in confidence can help you feel much better, almost instantaneously. Enjoy a cup of coffee or a phone conversation with a family member or close friend that you can trust.

If you have stress issues, take note of any body parts that you clench regularly. Common sources of clenching are teeth, fingers, shoulders, and lower back muscles. If you can figure out where your tension is located, you can make an effort to stretch those parts of the body when you start experiencing stress. Doing so relaxes your mind and body.


The feelings of being stressed and overwhelmed are not good feelings to endure; but worse, they can do real, long-term damage to your mental and physical health. By using the tips and advice laid out here, you can cope with the stress you’re experiencing and finally reduce it.