If you’d like to learn about eczema but don’t know where to start, this article is here to help you. It is something a lot of people deal with, and they just don’t know where to turn for information. Take these guidelines into consideration and you’ll do just fine with all of this.

Some individuals that have a severe case of eczema find relief by taking their baths in water which has a small portion of bleach added to it. This helps because the bleach actually kills bacteria which takes up residence on the skin of those who are plagued with eczema. Of course, don’t take a long bath or use really hot water because both can rob your skin of its natural moisture.

Refrain from taking showers that are too hot. Instead, take lukewarm showers. Use a cleanser rather than a soap, and be careful when cleaning the skin. Once your skin is clean, gently pat dry.

Avoid scratching as much as possible. Eczema will get very uncomfortable. The more scratching you do, the more needs to be scratched, though. It could damage your skin and lead to infections. Use a combination of remedies, such as moisturizers, humidifiers, and cold compresses to improve your experience.

Dress in cotton, or at least wear a cotton blend. This type of fabric usually does not irritate people who have eczema. Avoid things like polyester, which can cause an outbreak. In addition, when you purchase new clothing, make sure you put it in the washing machine prior to wearing it.

Be sure you’re wearing the clothing you need that doesn’t make your skin irritated. Some fabrics, especially synthetic ones, can trigger flare-ups. Cotton clothing is what you should wear when you have an eczema problem. Make sure that you launder new clothes before you put them on. You want to use a detergent that is mild and with no scent, and be sure that no fabric softener is used.

Dust can cause issues. Rather than dry dusting, use a damp dust method instead. This will help capture the dust, rather than simply spreading it around the home. Also, because rugs and carpets are a beacon for dust, try not to have them in the house if at all possible.

Keep your stress levels down if you have eczema. The chances of having it flare up increase when you are stressed out. Stress can also make eczema itchier and more uncomfortable. That can create a never-ending cycle of anger and frustration from dealing with both your stress and your skin. Try relaxing by doing activities like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.

Remember to moisturize your skin. Moisturizing your skin regularly is one of the best ways you can combat eczema. Look for thick, unscented moisturizers that will not aggravate your skin. Too many chemicals or additives in a moisturizer can be counterproductive. Apply it on a daily basis, especially after taking a shower or bath.

In areas which have cold weather during the winter, those who have eczema need to take special care to prevent flare-ups. When dressing for cold temperatures, it is important to dress in a way which does not promote overheating and sweating since both of these trigger the itching and scratching cycle. If one dresses in layers, the removal of extra garments can prevent overheating.

Sweeping can cause issues with dust, and dust is not good for eczema. Vacuuming will keep the house clean while helping you to avoid flare-ups. While you have the cleaner out, head up to the bedrooms and vacuum the mattresses as well. This will help ensure that your room stays as dust-free as possible.

Eczema is a skin condition that produces red, itchy, dry and cracked skin. Using moisturizer frequently will help treat the symptoms and provide some relief. Petroleum jelly is an excellent moisturizer that contains no perfumes to irritate the skin. Keep a jar of petroleum jelly near every sink and use it throughout the day to soothe and add moisture to your skin.

It is important to avoid too much stress if you suffer from eczema. Of course, having the skin condition can cause stress, as can life itself. But, a lot of stress increases flare-ups. If you find yourself getting stressed out, learn how to relax yourself. Yoga and meditation are two great ideas.

Though it may sound surprising, a key eczema tip is to ensure that your nails are always short and clean. It’s natural to want to itch the skin when you have eczema. If you scratch with dirty nails, your skin can become infected. Avoid this by having good hygiene.

If you prescribed or preferred moisturized comes in a tub, do not use your hands to scoop it out. This puts bacteria in the moisturizer that can get into your blood stream during a breakout. Use a spoon or spatula to get enough moisturizer out of the tub to use. Make sure to clean the spoon between uses.

Avoid having tags or seams in your clothing. These seams and tags can stimulate itchiness and the scratching will worsen eczema. You can cut the tags out of your clothes or even find clothing without tags. Also, try to eliminate seams that are worn. If you have seams in your underwear, think about simply turning those garments inside-out.

Sleeping when suffering from an eczema flareup may seem to next to impossible. You need to do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable. Put on moisturizer and be sure to always use cotton sheets on your bed. Also, be sure the room you sleep in is not too warm.

Do not rub your skin with a towel to dry off after your bath or shower. Since you skin is already sensitive, this might cause a rash or even a small break in the skin. Breaks in the skin can cause infections. Always pat yourself dry gently after bathing.

Thanks to the above article, you should now know what to do if you deal with eczema. It’s not too hard to get help with, you’re just going to have to use tips like what you’ve read here. Take your time to take this issue on and you’ll be a lot happier with things.