As you can see from all the pink ribbons athletes and celebrities are wearing, breast cancer is still a huge issue that women of the world deal with. Not only breast cancer, but all types of cancer still continue to plague people. So before you become a victim of this disease, read about your options.
Detecting cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The best way to detect cancer early is to talk with your doctor about a regular schedule for the appropriate tests, which are able to find cancer long before you have any symptoms. For testes and breast cancer, do self-exams monthly so that you may determine anything unusual.
It’s important that you work hard to deal with your feelings and emotions if you or someone you know has cancer. This is going to be a very emotional time in ways you cannot possibly understand unless you’ve been through it, and unchecked emotions can destroy relationships permanently and lead to a world of regret.
People with cancer need complete honesty from you, so do not hide anything from them just because you feel it may hurt them or hurt your relationship with them. Whether it’s something the doctor said or a secret you’ve been sitting on for another reason now is the time for full disclosure.
Consult cancer information, especially scientific journals, if you or a loved one suffers from cancer. It is crucial to have confidence when you have cancer.
If you are a cancer survivor, make sure that you have information about your previous cancer treatments. Unfortunately, cancer comes back with a vengeance sometimes, so keep your records about what surgeries and what types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy you have undergone. This information will help you better communicate with doctors.
Your expectations and reality may differ. Have appreciation for all support you get.
Cancer patients will regain their strength after the treatment is over, even if the cancer isn’t gone, so this is a great time to actually get out there and enjoy your life. It doesn’t have to be the proverbial bucket list, but doing the things you enjoy will remind you that you should be fighting the cancer so that you can always enjoy these things.
Having a telephone with you at all times if imperative if you’re currently fighting against cancer, because you never know when you’re going to experience an emergency. Being able to reach out for help is essential. An emergency fall or some other dangerous complication can make your efforts to that point null and void.
When a friend or family member has cancer, it can be very helpful to go along to the doctor’s appointments with them. It is wonderful support and you may think of questions they did not. Just because you aren’t a patient doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have questions for the doctor as well. The goal is to be able to offer the support needed and doing so through a professional’s advice, not guesswork or theories.
When you are first diagnosed with cancer, you should immediately make an appointment with your dentist. When making your appointment, inform the receptionist of your diagnosis so they can get you in quickly. Treatment can sometimes affect your oral health. Therefore, before starting any treatment plan it is necessary to have a dental cleaning and any necessary dental work done.
If chemotherapy is part of your cancer treatment, make sure to monitor your temperature frequently. Beginning about a week after your treatment, you have a greater likelihood of getting a bacterial infection. If you notice that you have a temperature spike, go to your doctor right away to prevent a serious complication.
If you are taking medication for cancer, it is important to always eat three meals a day. Even if you are not feeling very well, try to eat a little something. When your stomach is empty, you are more likely to experience nausea and other symptoms from your treatment. Foods like rice, bread, potatoes and fruits are all good food choices.
Many women will put off getting a mammogram because they are afraid of the results. It is scary thinking that you may be diagnosed with cancer but it is far more scary to not have the screening done. The earlier you catch it the better your chances of beating it!
The American Cancer Society recommends that you eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables each and every day as a way of cutting the risk of getting cancer. The nutritional value of these foods will ensure that your immune system remains in top condition and ready to fight off foreign cells if required.
It is important that you do not keep your cancer diagnosis from your boss. Especially if you are going to be receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Your boss is going to start to wonder why you are missing so much and telling him the truth will probably make him more understanding.
Start a journal. Sit down each evening and spend a few times expressing your thoughts and feelings in a private journal. Write poetry if it helps you to get these feelings out. Letting them out, even if nobody else knows them, is going to help you cope with this tough situation.
No level of alcohol consumption has been found to be safe in terms of contributing to your overall cancer risk. If you are prone to drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, you put yourself in danger of having a higher likelihood of certain forms of cancer. Esophagus, mouth and throat cancers are all potential threats from over-drinking. If you are a drinker then you should try to limit yourself to a certain number of drinks or only drinking on special occasions.
Having a few options out there, whether dealing with prevention or treatment, or even dealing with yourself or your loved ones, is a great way to be fully prepared should cancer ever inflict its damage upon you. Make sure you’re memorizing these tips so that you can always use them to help.